Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Escape from Hong Kong: Admiral Chan Chak's Christmas Day Dash, 1941

Order your copy now online through Hong Kong University Press, Eurospan or Amazon -- or at your local bookshop!

“Tim Luard tells this exciting and little known story with great skill. Some of us departed from Hong Kong much more comfortably! But we missed this extraordinary adventure.”
—Chris Patten, governor of Hong Kong, 1992–97

“Escape from Hong Kong is a crisp and comprehensive account of one of the epic untold tales of the Second World War—a unique Chinese-led British escape, under fire, from the Japanese invaders of Hong Kong.”
—Tony Banham, author of Not the Slightest Chance: The Defence of Hong Kong, 1941

“The great Christmas Day breakout of 1941, when British and Chinese officers teamed up virtually for the first time to escape from Hong Kong as the Japanese Army engulfed it, is one of the most dramatic episodes in Hong Kong’s history. Up till now the story has been diffused in a mass of individual diaries, letters and memoirs. Tim Luard has drawn this material together (Chinese as well as British) to produce a unified narrative that is as full and balanced as it is enthralling.”
—Philip Snow, author of The Fall of Hong Kong: Britain, China, and the Japanese Occupation


Susan Blumberg-Kason said...

This book looks awesome! I really enjoyed reading about Chan Chak in Philip Snow's The Fall of Hong Kong. I can't wait to read your book.

Caroline said...

Hey, Tim and Alison. I have just been turning out my previous life and found letters and cards from Alison from way back ... do you remember me? Caroline from law school? I am now living in New Zealand, so let me know if you come out this way. It's hot summer here (well, a bit changeable), no nasty bugs like Oz (actually, not much that is too exciting ... except the earthquakes, the storms ...) ... You look just the same from your photos, by the way!