Wednesday, 24 December 2008

The way to Waichow

So OFF WE GO early on Christmas morning to Nam O ... and on across what we hope are still mountains to Waichow.

Here, so you can get at least some idea of where we are for the next week or so, is a copy of the 1930s British War Office map the escape party used at the time.

Hong Kong and Kowloon, for those who don't know, are just out of sight, down to the bottom left. Hong Kong's most easterly point, Ping Chau island (where I was last week), can be seen just across the bay from Nam O (or Namou or Nan Ao, depending on your dialect and spelling method).

But you may need to zoom in a bit to see the smaller villages where they tended to hole up by day ... and zoom in even more to see us (or possibly switch to google earth).

Before unwrapping presents and packing backpacks simultaneously, we spent Christmas Eve taking a crazy bus ride out past Telegraph Bay (now Cyber City) to Aberdeen and Apleichau - failing to find Japanese machine gun posts on the Ocean Park hillside or motor torpedo boats lurking among the highrises, but succeeding in getting a full tour of the old Industrial School where they got their supplies from the Naval Stores.

For those unfamiliar with the story of the Christmas Day escape so far ... here (below) is a potted version of events leading up to the landing on the mainland (which is where we start our re-enactment, complete with military berets but not sedan chairs like the admiral's).

Or for the full version with all the trimmings turn to Richard's website - see column on right....


Anonymous said...

Hi Tim & Alison! All the best for your splendid adventure!
As a member of Beijing Hikers, I'd be glad to see a picture of Francoise so I can say hello on our next outing.
Kieran & William & Justin say Hi!

Tim and Alison said...

Thanks Chris -- been enjoying your son's fancy mid-levels flat and no doubt will appreciate its comforts even more when we return here for a few more days in the New Year. Meanwhile we're literally on our way out of the door, so won't be online again for a while. Will make sure we feature your fellow Beijing walker in full colour as soon as return. Happy Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hi there - just to letyou know that we've finally caught up with you! Hoping the walk is going well, and not too fottsore, KLove the pic of Ollie and Pop! She do look emotional ...
Pin & Co

Anonymous said...

Hi Ollie and Tim - finally catching up with yr blog and reading All About It. Lovely pic of Ollie at Coastal Defence Museum, I'd have been in floods myself. Hoping all going well in China, eager to hear more; even if you can't get at the internet I'm quite sure detailed accounts are being kept.
On - on ...
Moom and Dick

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim and Alison - you must be trekking at this very moment - the story is fascinating so far and I hope your feet don't get too sore. What a journey Alison, that is an amazing photo of you after finding your Dad's old pic, quelle momente! I am sending you a telephone number and email address of Colleen and Steve in Shanghai(on your email), they are Aussie journo mates of ours who David and I visited in June 2007. I'll also attach some snaps of you guys in Sydney on our balcony in 2007! Good luck and Neehow (phonetically only) Cheers, Denise - Sydney

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys - congratulations on a fantastic journey! i can't wait to hear all the details, see all the photos/video when you get back! speak to you soon.


Anonymous said...

PS Denise, don't know if you'll get this and I don't know what your connection to Tim & Alison/the escape is, but I'm in Sydney too at the moment! I have one week left and will depart for the UK on Saturday 10 Jan 09. If you're interested in meeting, putting a face to a name and swapping stories - let me know - call me on 0466 614431. Russ

Charlie Frew said...

Hi Tim,
Could you let me know if anyone has ever found the scuttled MTBs in the harbour or are they under reclaimed land?
Any info greatly appreciated.